Monday, June 30, 2008

Mixed Emotions

The trip I have been waiting months for-it's almost here!
Unfortunatly, I am not as excited as I think I should be.
Up until 3 days ago, the only things I could think about were the rekindled friendships I will make with my cousins, all of the great shopping, and the possibility of seeing the Boston Red Sox!!
This was before I received "The Call." Most people have never had the privilege of meeting my Aunt B., but those who have know that she is a hoot, and quite frankly, one of the biggest role models in my life. She has been sick for a few years, but has always been well enough to take care of her much-sicker boyfriend. Oh how the tables have turned. In the duration of one doctors visit, she went from being midly-sick, to becoming the newest luekemia patient. The news shocked eveybody. Not because of the diagnosis of the disease, but because of the diagnosis of her time left. In a few short months, Mary Bernice will be taken from us, and sent to a much better place. In time, I will be able to accept that. I just can't comprehend that when I see her in a few days, and we "do lunch" as planned, we will be saying our good-byes. Those who have lost loved-ones suddenly are always daunted with the idea that if they had really been able to say good-bye, they would rest easier. I'm lucky that I will get my chance, but I won't be sleeping any more soundly. She may be ready to go, but I am certainly not ready for her to leave.