Saturday, December 27, 2008

December, 2008

2009 is just around the corner! This month has been BUSY, for lack of a better word. I was hired at Aero in November, but I didn't start until the end of the month. It's a really fun job. I work with some really great people (& the employee discounts are fabulous!) I found out that I was accepted into FSU on the third (which I was completely stoked about!) SGA went to Tally for a district meeting, and I got to sit on the floor of the House of Rep's and I had the opportunity to interrogate poor kids(: FSU's campus is really great ... we got to tour it the next day. I'm really considering this school, but making no decisions until I hear back from UF. I have an application for FIDM (the fashion school in Cali that LC goes to) BUT I probably won't send it in (too far & WAY expensive!) I experienced my 1st PHS basketball game, too! It was so exciting ... I don't know how I skipped every game for 3 years but I'm going to be at every game from now until the end of the season (unless I'm working or have to study, ha.) I also had a lot of events for the station this month. We had our Christmas party in Seville Quarter, and I got a hoodie & a gift certificate to a spa(: I also walked in my first parade with Softrock (Gulf Breeze Christmas Parade)and even though I've lived in Pace for ten years, I've never been to the Redneck Parade. This year was my first, and most likely my last!

On December 19th, I left for Orlando @ 6 am! Here is a breakdown of my trip:

Friday - woke up & finished packing ... oops! I slept in the car until we got to Wendy's in Tampa for food. When we got there, I got out of the car and waited in line and then suddenly everything started spinning. Thank God there was a rail behind me, because I blacked out. I got really hot & I couldn't hear my dad talking to me. Scary stuff! I was fine after a few minutes though, and we got back in the car and drove the rest of the way. I'm pretty sure I went to sleep really early that night.

Saturday - my fam went thrifting & then we hung out in the pool/hot tub ... nothing too exciting. My cousins (the ones Kathy & I stayed with in Boston) drove down from Texas to vacation with us, and finally arrived at around midnight.

Sunday - went to Millenium Mall in South Orlando. It was hugeee, and super expensive(:

Monday - ANIMAL KINGDOM! My favorite Disney Park! We didn't get there until around noon (bad idea!) Get there as early as possible to avoid the terrible lines! I rode everything there! Dinosaur was a bunch of hype. They built it up so much but it was weak! Expedition Everest was my favorite ... even though my eyes were closed the entire time! I saw The Lion King live & I almost cried. It was incredible!! The only thing I didn't get to do was the safari, but next time I go that will be the first thing I do.

Tuesday - Epcot ... RIDICULOUS LINES!! 2 and 1/2 hours for ONE ride. Soarin was fun, but def not worth the wait. Fast Track was fun, but we went 65 mph for maybe ten seconds. Not worth the hour wait either! The only other thing we go to do there was the Finding Nemo ride, which is intended to entertain four year olds. I really wanted to do Mission Space, but there was no way we were going to wait another 2 and 1/2 hours for another ride, so we left. Everyone went to Downtown Disney that night (after we waited an hour for AAA to come and unlock our car because we locked the keys in, oops!) I loved it, so much to do! There was a huge McDonald's, and a LegoLand, and T-Rex, and a Virgin Records store(:

Wednesday - mom cooked & we had our Christmas dinner. Then we all went back downtown to do last minute shopping. Basically, I ate all day and got a huge food baby!

Thursday - woke up & opened gifts! My parents just gave me money, which I need badly! My cousins gave me a million piece make-up kit and a Betsy Johnson bag! I didn't ask for any "stuff" this year. I spent a lot of the money I got on gifts for everyone else, but giving gifts is my favorite part of Christmas(: We were all up at the crack of dawn, and after presents we got ready to go to Magic Kingdom! I loved it! I rode everything except Splash Mountain (line was too long & I didn't want to get wet!) Space Mountain is my new favorite ride! We planned the day out well and didn't wait more than twenty minutes for any ride. Incredible, right?! The parade was so cute, and if you didn't see me on T.V., it's because the parade is taped weeks in advance. Lame, I know. Anyways, we went to some yucky seafood restaurant called Boston Lobster Feast for dinner. If you're in Orlando, rethink going there. Besides that, I had a wonderful day & I think this was one of my favorite vacations(:

Friday - woke up @ 5 am, and was on the road by 6:30. We got home at one, and my cousins came over for the night, before driving back to Texas. I gave them a tour of Milton/Pensacola on the way to the mall. My mom decided to cook fish, and set the fire alarms off 5 times, no lie. This vacation so incerdibly relaxing! I never sleep in, because I always feel like I'm wasting my day, but I just didn't care(:

2008 has been absolutely crazy for me! I've experienced so many firsts, I can't even begin to name them. I was looking back at my bucket list and I've realized that I can go ahead and cross a few things off. I've overcome my fear of heights for the most part, I'm already someone's mentor (thanks, Jason) and I've witnessed a miracle. 5 months ago, my Aunt B was diagnosed with Leukemia and was given a short time to live, and she is now planning a trip to come down to Florida next month(: My relationship with God has never been stronger, even though I've missed more church than I would have liked to. My prayer list is also longer than it's ever been as well, but I think the greatest lesson I've learned this year is this: God's WILL will never take you anywhere that His GRACE can't get you through. I've has so many moments that have been beyond stressful, but things have worked out for me every single time.

God is good, all the time!
All the time, God is good!