Monday, March 9, 2009

Life Update!

My senior year is almost over, and I've been sooo busy that I haven't even taken a moment out to reflect on anything that has happened this year. Time keeps flyinggg by, and it makes me sad :( I just wanna re-cap some of my favorite events of this year!

-New Years Eve: Spent the night at Kyle's playing board games and getting firewroks shot at meee
-Fashion Show: Modeled six dresses for the Prom Expo. So much fun. (I won some flowers for prom!) I strongly reccomend that if you've never worked the runway, you try it.
-Aunt B & Aunt A Visit: I missed them so much! My family is alwaysss a good time. Aunt B is still very sick, but is hanging in there.
-Gulf Breeze High School Exchange: I've spent a day in the life of a Dolphin, and I can honestly say that I've never been more proud to be a Patriot!
-Disciple Now: Sooo awesome! Senior girls stayed at the Almond's. Our bible studies were all relevant and the worship service was amazing! I made Oh My God shoes and I wear them out whenever I can(:

-Superbowl Partay: Stayed at Alysha's house and watched the commercials. Wasn't really interested in the game, ha.
-Allie's party: Great night! I loveee crazy dance parties (and hanging out with my SGA of course!)
-No Boys Allowed Conference: Incredible! Leah Taylor sang and made me cry about 4 times. Her voice is so amazing and Mrs. Sturgeon had a great message. I had to leave early for my district meeting ... but I have a feeling that I won't be missing those too much.
-UF results: Not what I wanted to hear, but all is well. I'm not supposed to go to that school. If I were, I would have gotten in. I will be a Tally resident in abouttt 5 months. Gooo Noles!
-SGA: We picked my successor. I'm not quite sure how I feel about retireing already. I'm sure I will blog more about this later. On a lighter note, our fish had it's first birthday and we threw him a hugeee party! I also organized a pep rally for the basketball team in a day (Don't ask me how, I don't know either).

-Anchor Convention: Last one, but so much fun! 10 hour bus ride there and back, but so worth it. We were named Anchor Club of the Year and Most Spirited (and we also placed 2nd or 3rd in every single catergory!) I went crowd surfing for the first time. If you've never done it, I highly reccomend it ... just don't go face-down. Our skit was reallyyy good. I was a bride, and I was looking hot(: Sticker exchanges are really dumb though! It's so time-consuming to pull all of them off.
-WPHS: I got to go on air and talk about stuff that SGA is going to be doing. Our comment box was a success and I'm so stoked for the new cookies :D
-Olive Baptist Meetings: Denver Moore will be speaking at the church on April 14th and I'm so excited! They've been helping me plan the event, and I reallyyy feel that it's going to impact a lot of people. It all started because I had someone ask me to get him to speak at our school. I e-mailed his people and finally they e-mailed me back with a list of dates that he would be available. They also sent the cost of a speaking engagement and it was $7,500.00. Needless to say, our school couldn't afford that. Plus, if he spoke at my school, he would have to cut out his testimony which would completely defeat the purpose. Dr. Traylor let me come in to meet with him and I convinced him that this would really affect a lot of my peers. Press releases about the event are about to be sent out to different media outlets. It's my prayer that through Denver's message someone will come to know Christ.

Let us pray.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

... Letter I wrote to WEAR

let's see if they really care about my opinion ...

"As an active member of the student body at Pace High School, it would be easy for me to become discouraged and succumb to the wishes of the ACLU and discontinue to show my faith at school, but I will not and neither will the majority of my peers. If doing God's will on earth means ruffling some feathers, then so be it. All religious activities have been, and will continue to be, student led. To ban students from conducting religious gatherings, is to violate our first amendment rights, which state that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." We learn about Christianity in our history classes, but we also learn about Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and a plethora of other religions. Our educators teach about religion because it is the basis of all cultures, not because they are trying to turn their students from Atheists to believers. I can attest to the fact that our faculty and staff understand the severity of the law suit at hand, and although they have been strictly prohibited from imposing their religious beliefs on others, I will continue to share my faith because that is what I have been commanded to do. I have been very blessed, and have a lot to be thankful for; if speaking of how God has worked in my life during my speech at graduation jeopardizes my chance of receiving my diploma, it is a risk I am willing to take."