Monday, June 30, 2008

Mixed Emotions

The trip I have been waiting months for-it's almost here!
Unfortunatly, I am not as excited as I think I should be.
Up until 3 days ago, the only things I could think about were the rekindled friendships I will make with my cousins, all of the great shopping, and the possibility of seeing the Boston Red Sox!!
This was before I received "The Call." Most people have never had the privilege of meeting my Aunt B., but those who have know that she is a hoot, and quite frankly, one of the biggest role models in my life. She has been sick for a few years, but has always been well enough to take care of her much-sicker boyfriend. Oh how the tables have turned. In the duration of one doctors visit, she went from being midly-sick, to becoming the newest luekemia patient. The news shocked eveybody. Not because of the diagnosis of the disease, but because of the diagnosis of her time left. In a few short months, Mary Bernice will be taken from us, and sent to a much better place. In time, I will be able to accept that. I just can't comprehend that when I see her in a few days, and we "do lunch" as planned, we will be saying our good-byes. Those who have lost loved-ones suddenly are always daunted with the idea that if they had really been able to say good-bye, they would rest easier. I'm lucky that I will get my chance, but I won't be sleeping any more soundly. She may be ready to go, but I am certainly not ready for her to leave.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I,Priscilla,had the pleasure of meeting Ms.B. I believe she was the Auntie who visited my baby in the hospital when she was ill. My heart goes out to you. I do know the loss of a loved one and the regret of not being able to say goodbye. Hold onto her, kiss her, love her, and take those memories with you. Never wallow in regret but leave in the joyous memories you will create. From your arms to Gods she will pass with peace. She will be in my prayers. God Bless.