Saturday, July 26, 2008


A thought just struck me - everytime I see this time on the clock, I wish for the EXACT same things. Actually, I don't wish for anything, this time is a reminder to pray. These past few months have been a whirlwind, starting with deciding what, if any, SGA position I would like to hold. Then the election came along and I've never prayed more in my life. That was also around the time I was making plans for my birthday, taking the ACT, and getting plans together for prom. Everything turned out better than I asked for(: I know I will have a lot on my plate next year with my new position, and college classes, and work, and other extra-curriculars, * and trying to keep a decent social life! - Most of the time, it's not myself I am praying for though. Everyday, I ask God to bless my family, especially little Kathy. She is growing up much too fast, and I know that next year I will not physically be here for her. It's scary to think that in a few months I will be leaving her to fend for herself, but hopefully I've taught her well, and she won't cave under the negative peer pressure. If you read my first blog, you know that I have an aunt who is very sick. She has started her chemo, and is still in good spirits! I'm grateful for everyone who was been keeping her in their thoughts, it's helping a lot! I have no idea what I've done to deserve such wonderful people in my life, but I'm very thankful for all of you. This past month has been one of the best. I don't ever want to forget any of the beach trips to the Cape, or to Pensacola Beach, or kayaking/canoeing. One of the best parts of my trip to Boston was just bonding with my family, whom I haven't seen in a long time. Besides that, getting over my fear of heights was my biggest accomplishment. Sometimes things are not as good as you spend years imagining they will be. At one point in time, my dream was to live in the big city (NYC, to be exact) and have a successful career. I went - it wasn't great. I've met people with very successful careers - their personal lives are a disaster. I want the best of both worlds, but I've realized it's going to have to be in moderation, and at 11:11 I pray about that too. It's crazy to think that in a year, everyone will be going their own separate ways. There will be no more random movie nights, or game nights, or starbucks trips, or going out to eat - just because. Today at 11:11, my first thought was not of myself. Like every other day, I thanked Him for blessing me with the people in my life, and then I asked that no matter how many miles we may be apart, I never lose touch with any of them :D

1 comment:

Bing Haley said...


If you want to know the meaning behind 11:11 please go to these links.

God Bless