Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My Political Views


On October 07, 2008 I got to see Sarah Palin speak at the Pensacola Civic Center. Even though I am a proud Democrat, I was excited about seeing her speak. She is a powerful woman, and I want to be as informed on both sides as possible. How can I say that I don't like her, and that I disagree with her if I don't know where she stands? She is absolutely beautiful, and has an awesome attitude, however she is not running for president, McCain is. I respect him for all that he has sacrificed for our country, however, I don't agree with most of his stands on issues. That's what this whole election is about - the issues. I have supported Obama since before he even announced he was running for president, and I will continue to be a die-hard fan, regardless of what the rest of my community thinks of him and the Democratic party(:

On October 21, 2008, I went to the Civic Center to see Michelle Obama speak! She is a phenominal speaker & not once did she mention the opponents name. It was basically the same speech that she gave at the Democratic Convention, but that did not make it any less powerful. Instead of bashing McCain, she just spoke about why Barack is the better candidate. She talked about the future of the country, and the possibilities for it! Hopes of a strong economy once again, affordable health care, tax cuts for 95% of Americans (to those of you who make $250,000+/yr-I don't feel bad that you'll have to pay more in income taxes, sorry), a safe return home for our troops-it's all starting to become reality. I'm so inspired, it's ridiculous. She comes from such humble beginnings, and in a few short months, will be the 1st lady of the United States. There is no doubt in my mind that Obama is the better candidate, or that he will be the next President of the U.S. Those who dislike him so much that they are contemplating leaving the country better go ahead and buy their plane ticket-change is coming!

Issues: Abuse in Men and Women

Should the man or the woman be dominant? neither, dominance of either person will not end up in a happy relationship.

Is it a dangerous world for women? yes, but if we stay informed and use common sense, most of the time we'll be fine.

What should be the minimal punishment for rape? lethal injections.

What should be the maximum punishment for rape? electric chair.

Have you ever been abused? no, thank god!

By Whom? -

How old were you? -

Are you still affected by that? -

Was it and/or sexual, physical, or verbal abuse? -


What is your current religion? proud christian!

What is a good thing about religion? i will never go through anything alone, and i have faith that anything is possible, if i work to follow His commandments.

What is a bad thing about religion? the unrealistic expectations people have for christians, and how closed-minded some of us become.

Are you strict with your religious beliefs? i'm not strict, i'm firm in them. i love the lord, and have unwaivering faith.

What God (if any) do you believe in? the one who sent his son, jesus, to save us all.

What about homosexuality? it's a sin, but so is stealing, or lying. people are born this way, i don't believe that it just happens ... people have no control over their sexual preferences.

Does a heaven like place exsist? yes, and it's going to be glorious!

Does a hell like place exsist? unfortunatly.

Does what you do earth affect what happens when you die? duh! it's also what you did not do that matters too - aka sharing jesus with peeps!

General Current Issues

Are you pro-choice? yes.

Why? the government should not have the right to decide what a woman does with her body. however, i would never have an abortion myself, because all life is precious.

Has anyone you know ever had an abortion? yes.

Do you still love them? yes.

Do you still talk to them? yes.

What is the appropriate age to have kids? when the mother/father/parents can support the child mentally, and also financially, and do not need to rely on child support, or welfare.

Should drugs be legalized? yes.

Why? the governmant has no concern for the health of the american people, all they care about is revenue. if they did, then alcohol and cigarretts would not be sold. if we can tax(weed), then they will make major profit, and potheads will be happy. people like myself, who have no desire to get high will not be affected at all.

Have you ever done drugs? no.

What drugs? none.

Have you ever done heroine? nooo.

Do you currently do drugs? omg, no!

Rate Bush from 1 to 10 on his presidency recently: he's the most unpopular president in american history ... do i need to say more?

How about in 2004? -

2000? -

2001? -

2005? -

If there was a bill to impeach him- would you sign it? no. he can finish out his term. i could never do his job, but clearly, neither can he. i would never vote for a republican, mainly because i don't want more bush-tax-cuts, i don't want a mainly conservative supreme court, i don't want roe v. wade overturned, and i don't want perminant military bases over-seas, and i think embryonic stem cell research could help out many, many americans.

What is a flip-flopper? a person who continually changes a point of view or decision, aka - an "independent."

Do you listen to political TV or radio? cnn - 24/7.

Do you subscribe to any political magazines? no.

Do you think gays and lesbians should have to right to marriage? i don't care.

Why? it does not affect me, at all.

Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex? no.

What would you do if your friend came out gay? support their decision to come out and tell me. it's happened before, and nothing has changed.

How about your parents? FREAK OUT! anyone who has met my parents would freak out too!

Would you still love all of them? of course!

What is the appropriate age for sex? at whatever age you get married, preferably.

Did you like this survey? yes.

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