Sunday, October 5, 2008


My very last one ... it has been bitter-sweet for sure. Looking back, some of the best days of my life probably took place last week. I just don't want to forget any of it!

Monday-Nerd Day! Went to PJC, then skipped college algebra to work on hallway decorations, and it ended up much better than I anticipated! All of the classes did such a good job though, and I hated taking everything down! That night, I also got pulled over for having a head light out. Thankfully, the officer was young, and I was wearing make up, so I worked a little magic, and went home free of a ticket(:

Tuesday-Camo Day! HC court practiced for a while, and skit people practiced too. Least favorite dress up day, but only because I hate hunting, and fishing, and I never have anything to wear. Somehow, I managed to get my hands on a sheer camp outfit :D

Wednesday-Classy Day! Went to PJC, then went home to get ready to go to Milton's HC assembly with Cassy. It was nice, but ours was better(: While we were trying to leave, every teacher we passed started to freak out, and kept asking where we were going. Once we explained that we weren't student, they finally calmed down! We hit up the Milton bakery, then I went home to get ready for Pace's HC assembly. My hair kept messing up, and I was mad at myself for not maing a hair appointment, but it worked out in the end. I had so much fun that day, the only problem was that my dress kept riding up when I was sitting down, but I didn't realize it for a while! If I gave anyone a show, I'm really sorry! Some of us went to La Ha after, then Kaitlynn and I rushed back to school for skit practice ... just in time to see everyone walk out the door!

Thursday-Tacky Day-everyone just looks crazy! I got a bunch of roses, and didn't have to do my hair, so overall, it was a great day! I didn't get to go home. I stayed after school, and worked on the senior banner for powderpuff, then went to chik-fil-a, and then straight to the game. I got all dresses in my uniform, then joined most of my class to cheer our playas on ... we did such a good job, i'm not even ticked that the juniors beat us. After our loss, it was time for me to emcee the bonfire. Kaitlynn lost her keys, so it took a while for me to get to the stage, but I made it. Apparently, there was a dead bobcat in the fire!?

Friday-Spirit Day! My day started at the crack of dawn! I was at school at 7 a.m. getting ready for the day! The senior court members met in the cafeteria, then we were all escorted out by football players and cheerleaders. After calling my name out for Homecoming Queen, you could probably see me shaking. Everyone kept telling me that I should have cried, but I didn't want to be one of those over-dramatic girls!! It really hasn't sunk in yet, none of it has, but supaaa excited, & I love the crown(: After I won, I took over as emcee of the pep rally with Logan. I loved all of the skits! Seriously, everyone stepped their games up! Sometime during the majorette performance, I changed into my ghetto clothes for the skit. I'm not gonne lie, our skit was ballin', and I'm really proud of the seniors! Field day was hot! I'm not really gonna miss those too much next year. I did however, partcipate in water works during class wars ... it was interesting, I'm sorry if you missed me running down the field looking like a wet racoon. I had a good time, ha. After I got done cleaning up the gym and the stadium, I suddenly realized that I hadn't eaten in 8 hours, and I was about to faint. Some if us went to Cici's, then I rushed home to get ready for the field. I got ready (big dress, sash & crown, the works!) and was of course 20 mintes late. My mom & dad escorted me on the field, and we took like a million pictures. I changed in the parking lot, and sat with my parents for thr rest of the game, then went home to get some beauty sleep before Saturday, but ended up getting sick!

Saturday-HC Dance! I was up at the school decorating from 8-11 in the morning. I skipped lunch with SGA to get my hair did. It looked so good when I first got it done, and held up through pictures, but it ended up going up at the dance! Devonte came over at 5, then our parents took a million pictures, and I drove us over to K. Floyd's hizzie ... to take more pictures!! Allie drove us all to Carraba's(which was amazing!) and we got to the dance at around 9:15. It looked awesome! The DJ could have been better, but I still have a good time. I was burning up ... it was literally an inferno! the highlight video was great though! After the dance, the group went back to K. Floyd's. I think they watched a movie or something, but I was out like a light. So much for crazy after-parties, ha! I went to church the next morning, and then went back up to the school that afternoon to clean, which took forever, but hey, I got to use the ghost-buster vaccum(:

I don't think people realize how much time & energy SGA puts into this week. They are at the school early every single day, and stay late everyday too ... some days they didn't even go home. Everything was perfect, and I'm so proud of everyone. Underclassmen-live up the rest of your high school days! I know I'm not just speaking for myself when I say that time fliessss!

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