Sunday, July 6, 2008

Stop Asking, and Start Thanking.

This morning I experienced something totally new-I went to a church whose members consisted mainly of those from the black community. It was a complete 180 from the normal, drab church services that I am accustmed to ... not because of the new people, or the loud music and ridiculous dancing-but because the pastors preached! Instead of an hour long lecture on how to live your life, I witnessed dozens of people simply giving praise! This convicted me to share what I learned today. A young black woman spoke for a large portion of the service and she started off by telling us that things will not always go as planned. Even at our lowest lows, we still need to thank God, becuse at the end of it all, He is the one who will bring us out. God forgave me when I didn't deserve it; I can forgive others though they may not deserve it. I've realized that if I'm not putting effort into keeping the 10 simple commandments he gave us, then He will not put effort into granting the not-so-simple things I often pray for. Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow is promised to noone. What are you doing with your time? Are you helpling out your neighbors, and lifting those around you up, or are you dwelling in self pity? Are you using all of the gifts that He has given you? "When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me." - I never really got the full meaning of this quote until this morning. The biggest thing I got out of the service is that when you need guidence, learn from others mistakes, but never look down upon them. Stop looking around at your peers for the answers. *Newsflash to me : They don't have them either! Instead, look up, God is omnipotent and knows everything(:


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

wow, that really opened my eyes. you are a great person mary & are so open to so many things. im so glad that theyre are others in pace that arent so filled with themselves and actually think about things outside of pace.