Wednesday, November 5, 2008

November 04, 2008

BARACK OBAMA WON BY A LANDSLIDE! The majority of the country is celebrating(:

Everyone else is predicting that the next 4 years of life will be "hell" because a "muslim/antichrist/baby-killer/socialist" is running the country, or contemplating moving to Canada?(Keep reading!) "How could we elect a man like this?" *NEWSFLASH people: we can't! Why? because it's not true. (It's good to know people can predict the future though.) First of all, I made my decision to support Obama based on the issues, not the candidates themselves. (If you look at one of my earlier bulletins then you can read about some of my views.) These are simply MY opinions & you are entitled to yours. I can't argue with you over the war, or abortion, or gay marriage, or the economy because there is NO right or wrong, just opinion. Now that we have elected Barack, and we can start looking into his personal views; He will be our president for the next 4 years and we should ALL be informed about his background and where he stands on the issues. What I'm getting fed up with is all of the lies, and pessimists. What kind of person can say "I hope everyone who voted for him gets shot right after he does?" I think it's quite interesting that the people making comments like this are also the one's in favor of keeping America a "Christian-nation." Spend some time reading your bible and less time reading myspace bulletins about the election and you may become slightly more enlightened. (Matthew 7:1)

*props to Lee for writing this: "How can you say that you are ashamed to be an American? Is that really how you want to associate yourself? If thats what you truly believe, then your not worthy of the title "American".The good lord has given this country the ability to mold the world. A page was turned last night for the better in this country's history, and the world's for that matter. Barack Obama and his administration will now be the most powerful in this world, and that gives hope to so many that haven't had any. Is that what you're ashamed of? If you didn't support our new President that's fine, you had every right not to, thats the belief this country was founded on. Is that what you're ashamed of? If you still don't support him, please have a legitimite reason not to. Not all these crazy claims like "He's a Socialist", or "He's The Anti-Christ"( just 2 little facts: Barack Obama's for gun rights, against gay marriage, but he is pro-choice. Bush was pro-life for 8 years and nothing really changed ...) And if he is the Anti-Christ, show me one bible verse that backs up that claim. Do you honestly think that a man with a wife and small children is the one who has come to doom us all?
And now I want to talk about John McCain. John McCain has served America for 50 years, and has done this country so much good. I can honestly say that I have alot of respect for what the man sacrificed. Do you really think that the man you once supported as your choice of presidential candidate, who spent 5 years in a Vietnamese military prison camp, and gave his service to the US military to protect your right to vote, would honestly want you to say that you are ashamed of this country that has given you the opportunity to be whatever you want to be? I think not. America will always be one nation under god INDIVISIBLE with LIBERTY and justice FOR ALL, and Barack Obama knows this just like you and I do. So today everybody, don't you dare be ashamed of your country, be proud that you just took part in the most historical presidential election in this coutry's history, no matter who you voted for. We're not Republicans, We're not Democrats ...WE'RE AMERICANS, and that's something to be proud of. God Will Always Bless America. And God Will Always Bless Anybody Who Puts Their Trust In Her."

& one more thing: I've heard a lot of talk about people tired of being called "racist" because they don't support Obama. NOT supporting his views does not make a person "racist" (it means you have a different opinion) - hating him for being black & wishing he would get assassinated DOES. Props to the former McCain supporters who have an optomistic outlook!
*It was time for a change-we now have hope for our country(:


Anonymous said...

I agree, lover.

Its just a matter of time before people open their eyes and accept that change is good, it's coming, and things WILL get better. Obama gives people HOPE. Hope that things WILL get better, HOPE that people will be able to CHOOSE the way THEY live THEIR life, and HOPE for the women, who's husbands are away in the Middle East, that they WILL be home safe and sound.

And if IGNORANT people choose to stand their ground and ignore change and a chance for peace, they can have fun packing all of their things and move to Canada, it just means that there will be THAT many less close-minded and ignorant people in our soon-to-be-beautiful-and-prosperous country.

I just wish people would ACCEPT what happened. Bashing Obama wont change the fact that he IS president, it will just make them seem less respectable people. I respect the McCain supporters who aren't being negative, it takes a lot of a person to be that way. So I give them a big thumbs up.


Anonymous said...

Amen big sista Mary! :)

i'm glad o see that you're so supportive of our NEW PREISIDENT. :D


Anonymous said...


and thank God this election is over! (i'm sure Barack is saying the same thing...)

We are not racists, we are not killers, or nazi's, or socialists, WE ARE AMERICANS!!!

i love your blogs :)
- Erika