Sunday, November 16, 2008


MY PAST: 17 years ago, the world was faced with a new challenge, me! My parents named me Mary Elizabeth Allen & no, I am not a little white girl. I've been told that I don't look like a "Mary" but there is a long line of them in my family & my dad didn't want to break the tradition. My wonderful mother immigrated to America in 1985 from El Salvador, and went to work in Texas as a nurse. 2 years later, she and her friend moved to Boston, where - little did she know - she would meet the man of her dreams. He moved from the tiny island of Montserrat at 16 years of age, and went to England to fight in the British army. 6 years later, he moved to Boston to be with the rest of his newly-immigrated family. Many years later, he met my mother. A few weeks later, I was conceived, and the two moved to Chawktaw Beach, Florida. 2 months after my birth, they finally tied the knot. In August of 1994 my one & only sister, Kathy Michelle Allen, entered the world. In April of 1997, the four of us packed up and moved to a little pink, brick house in Milton, FL where we still reside.

CURRENTLY: I'm a busy, busy bee, and I'm trying to live my life one day at a time; it's the only way to not get completely overwhelmed. I've learned that every day that I rely on God's strength, rather than my own, will be a good day. I work for 2 radio stations -wxbm & softrock - and I'm working at Middleton's until after Prom season(: I recently quit my job as a server after a year and a half; I made a lot of money, but I dreaded going into work on most days. I will never again make the mistake of staying at a job because it pays well; I don't have time to be unhappy, life is short! I am a senior & the president of Pace High School, and a freshmen at PJC. I absolutely love my school, especially my class, and I have a lot of Patriot Pride! This school year will probably be one of the most hectic of my entire life. I have been accepted to FSU, and now I'm just waiting for the results from UF! I'm also trying to run SGA and still be there for everyone - trying is the key word in this sentence. I did not join as many clubs as I did last year because I just don't have the time to dedicate to them - I would rather not join, than have to miss half of the meeting and most of the events. I'm also a part of Middleton's teen board ... if you need more info about the business, let me know! I go to Wesley Memorial UMC on Sunday mornings and Immanuel Baptist on Wednesday nights; if you're free you're always welcome to come with me!(:

MY FUTURE: I have no idea what I want anymore! I had my entire life planned out according to my own selfish will and not God's. I have a lot of faith, so I'm not worried about the upcoming years. I can't spend time thinking about tomorrow, when I have so much to accomplish today. As of right now, my major in college will be journalism and with that degree, I will either be a news anchor, or go into PR ... (or just marry filthy rich! :) Eventually, I want to retire and devote my life to doing charity work. I want to travel the world! (especially Paris, D.C., Hollywood, London, & Tokyo) and I need to experience how people in third world countries live; I don't ever want to take for granted what a blessed life I've been given. I have no idea what my future holds but I know who holds my future.

I do, however, have a BUCKET LIST; it consists of:
-flying a plane
-experiencing zero gravity
-witnessing a miracle
-traveling to every continent
-becoming financially independent
-attending an awards show in Hollywood
-buying my parents a house
-seeing Chicago on Broadway
-graduating from college
-picnicing at midnight
-sharing my testimony
-roadtrippin' to New Orleans for Mardi Gras
-learning to properly ballroom dance
-falling deeply in love
-being in Times Square on New Years Day @ midnight
-attending at least one major sporting event
-throwing a hugeee party
-helping someone become saved
-having my portrait painted
-buying a designer outfit that I know I can't afford
-being an extra in a film
-being a member of the audience of a t.v. show
-being the boss
-firing a gun
-sitting on a jury
-taking a ski trip
-being someone's mentor
-overcoming my fear of failure
-taking a hot-air balloon ride
-learning to bartend
-playing poker in Vegas
-running a marathon
-doing something that terrifies me

RANDOM: I'm really laid back and it takes a lot to make me upset. I'm extremely open-minded and you guessed it, liberal. I am a dancing fool and a car/shower singer! I drive a white Acura 3.5 RL - her name is Pearl! I'm a really great driver, despite what you may have heard. Fall is my favorite season, followed by summer but I love Christmas time - not because of the presents but because it's a time when people genuinely care for one another. I can't follow any sport to save my life - except baseball! I spend the majority of my money on make up and hair products ... don't believe the rumors, I do not have a weave! I have a feeling that I will become an emotional wreck this year, so bear with me! I don't always have all of the answers but I'm a great listener and I like to feel needed - I love when people vent to me (as long as I'm not involved in the drama :) Above all, I am a Christian; I'm doing my part to make the world a better place - one good deed at a time!

I LOVE: talk shows, politics, the Boston Red Sox, writing, fashion, eating/working out, puppies, sexy English accents, SGA, $$$, Desperate Housewives, coffee, shoes, Pensacola Beach, texting, naps, RAP, charity, terms of endearment, cheesecake, bling, the Lord ... and of course mi familia & my incredible friends (whom I would be nothing without :)

I LOATH: cats, pessimists, Degrassi, ignorance, dishonesty, scales, the ACT, vegetables, and the NY Yankees!

*a bit of advice: don't believe everything you read or hear - always check your sources(:

Hit me up on MySpace or Facebook sometime!

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