Saturday, December 27, 2008

December, 2008

2009 is just around the corner! This month has been BUSY, for lack of a better word. I was hired at Aero in November, but I didn't start until the end of the month. It's a really fun job. I work with some really great people (& the employee discounts are fabulous!) I found out that I was accepted into FSU on the third (which I was completely stoked about!) SGA went to Tally for a district meeting, and I got to sit on the floor of the House of Rep's and I had the opportunity to interrogate poor kids(: FSU's campus is really great ... we got to tour it the next day. I'm really considering this school, but making no decisions until I hear back from UF. I have an application for FIDM (the fashion school in Cali that LC goes to) BUT I probably won't send it in (too far & WAY expensive!) I experienced my 1st PHS basketball game, too! It was so exciting ... I don't know how I skipped every game for 3 years but I'm going to be at every game from now until the end of the season (unless I'm working or have to study, ha.) I also had a lot of events for the station this month. We had our Christmas party in Seville Quarter, and I got a hoodie & a gift certificate to a spa(: I also walked in my first parade with Softrock (Gulf Breeze Christmas Parade)and even though I've lived in Pace for ten years, I've never been to the Redneck Parade. This year was my first, and most likely my last!

On December 19th, I left for Orlando @ 6 am! Here is a breakdown of my trip:

Friday - woke up & finished packing ... oops! I slept in the car until we got to Wendy's in Tampa for food. When we got there, I got out of the car and waited in line and then suddenly everything started spinning. Thank God there was a rail behind me, because I blacked out. I got really hot & I couldn't hear my dad talking to me. Scary stuff! I was fine after a few minutes though, and we got back in the car and drove the rest of the way. I'm pretty sure I went to sleep really early that night.

Saturday - my fam went thrifting & then we hung out in the pool/hot tub ... nothing too exciting. My cousins (the ones Kathy & I stayed with in Boston) drove down from Texas to vacation with us, and finally arrived at around midnight.

Sunday - went to Millenium Mall in South Orlando. It was hugeee, and super expensive(:

Monday - ANIMAL KINGDOM! My favorite Disney Park! We didn't get there until around noon (bad idea!) Get there as early as possible to avoid the terrible lines! I rode everything there! Dinosaur was a bunch of hype. They built it up so much but it was weak! Expedition Everest was my favorite ... even though my eyes were closed the entire time! I saw The Lion King live & I almost cried. It was incredible!! The only thing I didn't get to do was the safari, but next time I go that will be the first thing I do.

Tuesday - Epcot ... RIDICULOUS LINES!! 2 and 1/2 hours for ONE ride. Soarin was fun, but def not worth the wait. Fast Track was fun, but we went 65 mph for maybe ten seconds. Not worth the hour wait either! The only other thing we go to do there was the Finding Nemo ride, which is intended to entertain four year olds. I really wanted to do Mission Space, but there was no way we were going to wait another 2 and 1/2 hours for another ride, so we left. Everyone went to Downtown Disney that night (after we waited an hour for AAA to come and unlock our car because we locked the keys in, oops!) I loved it, so much to do! There was a huge McDonald's, and a LegoLand, and T-Rex, and a Virgin Records store(:

Wednesday - mom cooked & we had our Christmas dinner. Then we all went back downtown to do last minute shopping. Basically, I ate all day and got a huge food baby!

Thursday - woke up & opened gifts! My parents just gave me money, which I need badly! My cousins gave me a million piece make-up kit and a Betsy Johnson bag! I didn't ask for any "stuff" this year. I spent a lot of the money I got on gifts for everyone else, but giving gifts is my favorite part of Christmas(: We were all up at the crack of dawn, and after presents we got ready to go to Magic Kingdom! I loved it! I rode everything except Splash Mountain (line was too long & I didn't want to get wet!) Space Mountain is my new favorite ride! We planned the day out well and didn't wait more than twenty minutes for any ride. Incredible, right?! The parade was so cute, and if you didn't see me on T.V., it's because the parade is taped weeks in advance. Lame, I know. Anyways, we went to some yucky seafood restaurant called Boston Lobster Feast for dinner. If you're in Orlando, rethink going there. Besides that, I had a wonderful day & I think this was one of my favorite vacations(:

Friday - woke up @ 5 am, and was on the road by 6:30. We got home at one, and my cousins came over for the night, before driving back to Texas. I gave them a tour of Milton/Pensacola on the way to the mall. My mom decided to cook fish, and set the fire alarms off 5 times, no lie. This vacation so incerdibly relaxing! I never sleep in, because I always feel like I'm wasting my day, but I just didn't care(:

2008 has been absolutely crazy for me! I've experienced so many firsts, I can't even begin to name them. I was looking back at my bucket list and I've realized that I can go ahead and cross a few things off. I've overcome my fear of heights for the most part, I'm already someone's mentor (thanks, Jason) and I've witnessed a miracle. 5 months ago, my Aunt B was diagnosed with Leukemia and was given a short time to live, and she is now planning a trip to come down to Florida next month(: My relationship with God has never been stronger, even though I've missed more church than I would have liked to. My prayer list is also longer than it's ever been as well, but I think the greatest lesson I've learned this year is this: God's WILL will never take you anywhere that His GRACE can't get you through. I've has so many moments that have been beyond stressful, but things have worked out for me every single time.

God is good, all the time!
All the time, God is good!

Sunday, November 16, 2008


MY PAST: 17 years ago, the world was faced with a new challenge, me! My parents named me Mary Elizabeth Allen & no, I am not a little white girl. I've been told that I don't look like a "Mary" but there is a long line of them in my family & my dad didn't want to break the tradition. My wonderful mother immigrated to America in 1985 from El Salvador, and went to work in Texas as a nurse. 2 years later, she and her friend moved to Boston, where - little did she know - she would meet the man of her dreams. He moved from the tiny island of Montserrat at 16 years of age, and went to England to fight in the British army. 6 years later, he moved to Boston to be with the rest of his newly-immigrated family. Many years later, he met my mother. A few weeks later, I was conceived, and the two moved to Chawktaw Beach, Florida. 2 months after my birth, they finally tied the knot. In August of 1994 my one & only sister, Kathy Michelle Allen, entered the world. In April of 1997, the four of us packed up and moved to a little pink, brick house in Milton, FL where we still reside.

CURRENTLY: I'm a busy, busy bee, and I'm trying to live my life one day at a time; it's the only way to not get completely overwhelmed. I've learned that every day that I rely on God's strength, rather than my own, will be a good day. I work for 2 radio stations -wxbm & softrock - and I'm working at Middleton's until after Prom season(: I recently quit my job as a server after a year and a half; I made a lot of money, but I dreaded going into work on most days. I will never again make the mistake of staying at a job because it pays well; I don't have time to be unhappy, life is short! I am a senior & the president of Pace High School, and a freshmen at PJC. I absolutely love my school, especially my class, and I have a lot of Patriot Pride! This school year will probably be one of the most hectic of my entire life. I have been accepted to FSU, and now I'm just waiting for the results from UF! I'm also trying to run SGA and still be there for everyone - trying is the key word in this sentence. I did not join as many clubs as I did last year because I just don't have the time to dedicate to them - I would rather not join, than have to miss half of the meeting and most of the events. I'm also a part of Middleton's teen board ... if you need more info about the business, let me know! I go to Wesley Memorial UMC on Sunday mornings and Immanuel Baptist on Wednesday nights; if you're free you're always welcome to come with me!(:

MY FUTURE: I have no idea what I want anymore! I had my entire life planned out according to my own selfish will and not God's. I have a lot of faith, so I'm not worried about the upcoming years. I can't spend time thinking about tomorrow, when I have so much to accomplish today. As of right now, my major in college will be journalism and with that degree, I will either be a news anchor, or go into PR ... (or just marry filthy rich! :) Eventually, I want to retire and devote my life to doing charity work. I want to travel the world! (especially Paris, D.C., Hollywood, London, & Tokyo) and I need to experience how people in third world countries live; I don't ever want to take for granted what a blessed life I've been given. I have no idea what my future holds but I know who holds my future.

I do, however, have a BUCKET LIST; it consists of:
-flying a plane
-experiencing zero gravity
-witnessing a miracle
-traveling to every continent
-becoming financially independent
-attending an awards show in Hollywood
-buying my parents a house
-seeing Chicago on Broadway
-graduating from college
-picnicing at midnight
-sharing my testimony
-roadtrippin' to New Orleans for Mardi Gras
-learning to properly ballroom dance
-falling deeply in love
-being in Times Square on New Years Day @ midnight
-attending at least one major sporting event
-throwing a hugeee party
-helping someone become saved
-having my portrait painted
-buying a designer outfit that I know I can't afford
-being an extra in a film
-being a member of the audience of a t.v. show
-being the boss
-firing a gun
-sitting on a jury
-taking a ski trip
-being someone's mentor
-overcoming my fear of failure
-taking a hot-air balloon ride
-learning to bartend
-playing poker in Vegas
-running a marathon
-doing something that terrifies me

RANDOM: I'm really laid back and it takes a lot to make me upset. I'm extremely open-minded and you guessed it, liberal. I am a dancing fool and a car/shower singer! I drive a white Acura 3.5 RL - her name is Pearl! I'm a really great driver, despite what you may have heard. Fall is my favorite season, followed by summer but I love Christmas time - not because of the presents but because it's a time when people genuinely care for one another. I can't follow any sport to save my life - except baseball! I spend the majority of my money on make up and hair products ... don't believe the rumors, I do not have a weave! I have a feeling that I will become an emotional wreck this year, so bear with me! I don't always have all of the answers but I'm a great listener and I like to feel needed - I love when people vent to me (as long as I'm not involved in the drama :) Above all, I am a Christian; I'm doing my part to make the world a better place - one good deed at a time!

I LOVE: talk shows, politics, the Boston Red Sox, writing, fashion, eating/working out, puppies, sexy English accents, SGA, $$$, Desperate Housewives, coffee, shoes, Pensacola Beach, texting, naps, RAP, charity, terms of endearment, cheesecake, bling, the Lord ... and of course mi familia & my incredible friends (whom I would be nothing without :)

I LOATH: cats, pessimists, Degrassi, ignorance, dishonesty, scales, the ACT, vegetables, and the NY Yankees!

*a bit of advice: don't believe everything you read or hear - always check your sources(:

Hit me up on MySpace or Facebook sometime!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Words of Wisdom

In the process of my 6-week long Bible study, I have come across some awesome scriptures. I'm reading The Treasures of the Transformed Life and I have definitely been seeing changes in my life; my faith has never been stronger. Sometimes the Bible gets a little wordy, so I have included my own interpretation of the verses. It's my job as a Christian to spread the good news, so take from this what you will(:

Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to your word. - Psalm 119:37
translation: stop being so vain!

faith without deeds is dead. - James 2:26
translation: it's time to stop talking the talk, and start walking the walk. We talk it, but are we living it?

Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do.
You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that. -
James 2:18-19
translation: believing that there is a God is not the same as believing in God.

for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.
Do everything without complaining or arguing. -
Philippians 2:13-14
translation: in everything we do, praise God for the opportunity He has given us.

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. - Philippians 2:3-4
translation: learn to be humble! If we are doing things for recognition or to make ourselves feel better, we are doing them for the wrong reasons.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. - 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
translation: true love is perfect.

Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. - 1 Timothy 4:12
translation: if we say that we are Christians, we should act like one. Be Christ-like in words, in actions, and deeds.

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.You will seek me and find me then you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you," declares the LORD, "and will bring you back from captivity.I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you," declares the LORD,"and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile. - Jeremiah 29:11-14
translation: stop worrying about the future, God already has a plan for our lives. Trust in Him, and pray for His guidance.

Young men, in the same way be submissive to those who are older. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble." Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings. - 1 Peter 5:5-9
translation: listen to those with more experience. Resist temptation, and know that we are never alone in anything.

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. - John 13:34
translation: spread some love!

Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. - John 14:1
translation: let go and let God.

Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. Don't have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. And the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth. - 2 Timothy 22-25
translation: let us not shove our beliefs down the throat's of non-believers.

The Lord is my light and my salvation- whom shall I fear? - Psalm 27:1
translation: do not be afraid, the Lord is on our side; with God all things are possible.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
- Proverbs 3:5-6
translation: pray, give praise, and keep the faith and our lives will be blessed.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. - Matthew 6:34
translation: live life one day at a time!

He Who Does Not Know Love Does Not Know God, For God Is Love . - 1 John 4:8

21 Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.
22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. -James 1:21-22

translation: live a Christian life-style.

If any of you need wisdom, you should ask God, and it will be given to you. God is generous and won't correct you for asking. - James 1:5

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

November 04, 2008

BARACK OBAMA WON BY A LANDSLIDE! The majority of the country is celebrating(:

Everyone else is predicting that the next 4 years of life will be "hell" because a "muslim/antichrist/baby-killer/socialist" is running the country, or contemplating moving to Canada?(Keep reading!) "How could we elect a man like this?" *NEWSFLASH people: we can't! Why? because it's not true. (It's good to know people can predict the future though.) First of all, I made my decision to support Obama based on the issues, not the candidates themselves. (If you look at one of my earlier bulletins then you can read about some of my views.) These are simply MY opinions & you are entitled to yours. I can't argue with you over the war, or abortion, or gay marriage, or the economy because there is NO right or wrong, just opinion. Now that we have elected Barack, and we can start looking into his personal views; He will be our president for the next 4 years and we should ALL be informed about his background and where he stands on the issues. What I'm getting fed up with is all of the lies, and pessimists. What kind of person can say "I hope everyone who voted for him gets shot right after he does?" I think it's quite interesting that the people making comments like this are also the one's in favor of keeping America a "Christian-nation." Spend some time reading your bible and less time reading myspace bulletins about the election and you may become slightly more enlightened. (Matthew 7:1)

*props to Lee for writing this: "How can you say that you are ashamed to be an American? Is that really how you want to associate yourself? If thats what you truly believe, then your not worthy of the title "American".The good lord has given this country the ability to mold the world. A page was turned last night for the better in this country's history, and the world's for that matter. Barack Obama and his administration will now be the most powerful in this world, and that gives hope to so many that haven't had any. Is that what you're ashamed of? If you didn't support our new President that's fine, you had every right not to, thats the belief this country was founded on. Is that what you're ashamed of? If you still don't support him, please have a legitimite reason not to. Not all these crazy claims like "He's a Socialist", or "He's The Anti-Christ"( just 2 little facts: Barack Obama's for gun rights, against gay marriage, but he is pro-choice. Bush was pro-life for 8 years and nothing really changed ...) And if he is the Anti-Christ, show me one bible verse that backs up that claim. Do you honestly think that a man with a wife and small children is the one who has come to doom us all?
And now I want to talk about John McCain. John McCain has served America for 50 years, and has done this country so much good. I can honestly say that I have alot of respect for what the man sacrificed. Do you really think that the man you once supported as your choice of presidential candidate, who spent 5 years in a Vietnamese military prison camp, and gave his service to the US military to protect your right to vote, would honestly want you to say that you are ashamed of this country that has given you the opportunity to be whatever you want to be? I think not. America will always be one nation under god INDIVISIBLE with LIBERTY and justice FOR ALL, and Barack Obama knows this just like you and I do. So today everybody, don't you dare be ashamed of your country, be proud that you just took part in the most historical presidential election in this coutry's history, no matter who you voted for. We're not Republicans, We're not Democrats ...WE'RE AMERICANS, and that's something to be proud of. God Will Always Bless America. And God Will Always Bless Anybody Who Puts Their Trust In Her."

& one more thing: I've heard a lot of talk about people tired of being called "racist" because they don't support Obama. NOT supporting his views does not make a person "racist" (it means you have a different opinion) - hating him for being black & wishing he would get assassinated DOES. Props to the former McCain supporters who have an optomistic outlook!
*It was time for a change-we now have hope for our country(:

Sunday, October 5, 2008


My very last one ... it has been bitter-sweet for sure. Looking back, some of the best days of my life probably took place last week. I just don't want to forget any of it!

Monday-Nerd Day! Went to PJC, then skipped college algebra to work on hallway decorations, and it ended up much better than I anticipated! All of the classes did such a good job though, and I hated taking everything down! That night, I also got pulled over for having a head light out. Thankfully, the officer was young, and I was wearing make up, so I worked a little magic, and went home free of a ticket(:

Tuesday-Camo Day! HC court practiced for a while, and skit people practiced too. Least favorite dress up day, but only because I hate hunting, and fishing, and I never have anything to wear. Somehow, I managed to get my hands on a sheer camp outfit :D

Wednesday-Classy Day! Went to PJC, then went home to get ready to go to Milton's HC assembly with Cassy. It was nice, but ours was better(: While we were trying to leave, every teacher we passed started to freak out, and kept asking where we were going. Once we explained that we weren't student, they finally calmed down! We hit up the Milton bakery, then I went home to get ready for Pace's HC assembly. My hair kept messing up, and I was mad at myself for not maing a hair appointment, but it worked out in the end. I had so much fun that day, the only problem was that my dress kept riding up when I was sitting down, but I didn't realize it for a while! If I gave anyone a show, I'm really sorry! Some of us went to La Ha after, then Kaitlynn and I rushed back to school for skit practice ... just in time to see everyone walk out the door!

Thursday-Tacky Day-everyone just looks crazy! I got a bunch of roses, and didn't have to do my hair, so overall, it was a great day! I didn't get to go home. I stayed after school, and worked on the senior banner for powderpuff, then went to chik-fil-a, and then straight to the game. I got all dresses in my uniform, then joined most of my class to cheer our playas on ... we did such a good job, i'm not even ticked that the juniors beat us. After our loss, it was time for me to emcee the bonfire. Kaitlynn lost her keys, so it took a while for me to get to the stage, but I made it. Apparently, there was a dead bobcat in the fire!?

Friday-Spirit Day! My day started at the crack of dawn! I was at school at 7 a.m. getting ready for the day! The senior court members met in the cafeteria, then we were all escorted out by football players and cheerleaders. After calling my name out for Homecoming Queen, you could probably see me shaking. Everyone kept telling me that I should have cried, but I didn't want to be one of those over-dramatic girls!! It really hasn't sunk in yet, none of it has, but supaaa excited, & I love the crown(: After I won, I took over as emcee of the pep rally with Logan. I loved all of the skits! Seriously, everyone stepped their games up! Sometime during the majorette performance, I changed into my ghetto clothes for the skit. I'm not gonne lie, our skit was ballin', and I'm really proud of the seniors! Field day was hot! I'm not really gonna miss those too much next year. I did however, partcipate in water works during class wars ... it was interesting, I'm sorry if you missed me running down the field looking like a wet racoon. I had a good time, ha. After I got done cleaning up the gym and the stadium, I suddenly realized that I hadn't eaten in 8 hours, and I was about to faint. Some if us went to Cici's, then I rushed home to get ready for the field. I got ready (big dress, sash & crown, the works!) and was of course 20 mintes late. My mom & dad escorted me on the field, and we took like a million pictures. I changed in the parking lot, and sat with my parents for thr rest of the game, then went home to get some beauty sleep before Saturday, but ended up getting sick!

Saturday-HC Dance! I was up at the school decorating from 8-11 in the morning. I skipped lunch with SGA to get my hair did. It looked so good when I first got it done, and held up through pictures, but it ended up going up at the dance! Devonte came over at 5, then our parents took a million pictures, and I drove us over to K. Floyd's hizzie ... to take more pictures!! Allie drove us all to Carraba's(which was amazing!) and we got to the dance at around 9:15. It looked awesome! The DJ could have been better, but I still have a good time. I was burning up ... it was literally an inferno! the highlight video was great though! After the dance, the group went back to K. Floyd's. I think they watched a movie or something, but I was out like a light. So much for crazy after-parties, ha! I went to church the next morning, and then went back up to the school that afternoon to clean, which took forever, but hey, I got to use the ghost-buster vaccum(:

I don't think people realize how much time & energy SGA puts into this week. They are at the school early every single day, and stay late everyday too ... some days they didn't even go home. Everything was perfect, and I'm so proud of everyone. Underclassmen-live up the rest of your high school days! I know I'm not just speaking for myself when I say that time fliessss!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My Political Views


On October 07, 2008 I got to see Sarah Palin speak at the Pensacola Civic Center. Even though I am a proud Democrat, I was excited about seeing her speak. She is a powerful woman, and I want to be as informed on both sides as possible. How can I say that I don't like her, and that I disagree with her if I don't know where she stands? She is absolutely beautiful, and has an awesome attitude, however she is not running for president, McCain is. I respect him for all that he has sacrificed for our country, however, I don't agree with most of his stands on issues. That's what this whole election is about - the issues. I have supported Obama since before he even announced he was running for president, and I will continue to be a die-hard fan, regardless of what the rest of my community thinks of him and the Democratic party(:

On October 21, 2008, I went to the Civic Center to see Michelle Obama speak! She is a phenominal speaker & not once did she mention the opponents name. It was basically the same speech that she gave at the Democratic Convention, but that did not make it any less powerful. Instead of bashing McCain, she just spoke about why Barack is the better candidate. She talked about the future of the country, and the possibilities for it! Hopes of a strong economy once again, affordable health care, tax cuts for 95% of Americans (to those of you who make $250,000+/yr-I don't feel bad that you'll have to pay more in income taxes, sorry), a safe return home for our troops-it's all starting to become reality. I'm so inspired, it's ridiculous. She comes from such humble beginnings, and in a few short months, will be the 1st lady of the United States. There is no doubt in my mind that Obama is the better candidate, or that he will be the next President of the U.S. Those who dislike him so much that they are contemplating leaving the country better go ahead and buy their plane ticket-change is coming!

Issues: Abuse in Men and Women

Should the man or the woman be dominant? neither, dominance of either person will not end up in a happy relationship.

Is it a dangerous world for women? yes, but if we stay informed and use common sense, most of the time we'll be fine.

What should be the minimal punishment for rape? lethal injections.

What should be the maximum punishment for rape? electric chair.

Have you ever been abused? no, thank god!

By Whom? -

How old were you? -

Are you still affected by that? -

Was it and/or sexual, physical, or verbal abuse? -


What is your current religion? proud christian!

What is a good thing about religion? i will never go through anything alone, and i have faith that anything is possible, if i work to follow His commandments.

What is a bad thing about religion? the unrealistic expectations people have for christians, and how closed-minded some of us become.

Are you strict with your religious beliefs? i'm not strict, i'm firm in them. i love the lord, and have unwaivering faith.

What God (if any) do you believe in? the one who sent his son, jesus, to save us all.

What about homosexuality? it's a sin, but so is stealing, or lying. people are born this way, i don't believe that it just happens ... people have no control over their sexual preferences.

Does a heaven like place exsist? yes, and it's going to be glorious!

Does a hell like place exsist? unfortunatly.

Does what you do earth affect what happens when you die? duh! it's also what you did not do that matters too - aka sharing jesus with peeps!

General Current Issues

Are you pro-choice? yes.

Why? the government should not have the right to decide what a woman does with her body. however, i would never have an abortion myself, because all life is precious.

Has anyone you know ever had an abortion? yes.

Do you still love them? yes.

Do you still talk to them? yes.

What is the appropriate age to have kids? when the mother/father/parents can support the child mentally, and also financially, and do not need to rely on child support, or welfare.

Should drugs be legalized? yes.

Why? the governmant has no concern for the health of the american people, all they care about is revenue. if they did, then alcohol and cigarretts would not be sold. if we can tax(weed), then they will make major profit, and potheads will be happy. people like myself, who have no desire to get high will not be affected at all.

Have you ever done drugs? no.

What drugs? none.

Have you ever done heroine? nooo.

Do you currently do drugs? omg, no!

Rate Bush from 1 to 10 on his presidency recently: he's the most unpopular president in american history ... do i need to say more?

How about in 2004? -

2000? -

2001? -

2005? -

If there was a bill to impeach him- would you sign it? no. he can finish out his term. i could never do his job, but clearly, neither can he. i would never vote for a republican, mainly because i don't want more bush-tax-cuts, i don't want a mainly conservative supreme court, i don't want roe v. wade overturned, and i don't want perminant military bases over-seas, and i think embryonic stem cell research could help out many, many americans.

What is a flip-flopper? a person who continually changes a point of view or decision, aka - an "independent."

Do you listen to political TV or radio? cnn - 24/7.

Do you subscribe to any political magazines? no.

Do you think gays and lesbians should have to right to marriage? i don't care.

Why? it does not affect me, at all.

Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex? no.

What would you do if your friend came out gay? support their decision to come out and tell me. it's happened before, and nothing has changed.

How about your parents? FREAK OUT! anyone who has met my parents would freak out too!

Would you still love all of them? of course!

What is the appropriate age for sex? at whatever age you get married, preferably.

Did you like this survey? yes.

Monday, September 1, 2008


On April 25, 2008, my life took a drastic turn, for the better. This was the date that I received the news that I would be the 2008-2009 Student Body President/Student Government President/Secretary of the School Advisory Council of Pace High! It all started with a dream, however, this dream was not my own. Both of my parents were born and raised in third world countries, where voting is not a right, but rather a privilege that a select few receive. They have instilled in me the mind set that "knowledge is power" and have encouraged my efforts in Student Government for the past 3 years. When the notice was sent out that elections for 2008-2009 Student Body officers would shortly begin, I had no idea that in a few weeks, my name would be on that ballot. There were many factors that made it easy for me to think that I would not be good for this huge responsibility. My friends and family thought otherwise, and because of their unwavering faith in my ability to lead our school in a positive direction, I took a huge leap of faith and ran for office.

To my parents, this election was more than a surge of power for their daughter. Instead, it was a symbol of progress, a token that their struggles of the past have paid off, and an indication that where we came from will not dictate where we will go, unless we want it to. In my mother’s eyes, I had broken the glass ceiling that she was certain I was bound to hit, because I am a Hispanic female. Because of the huge honor that I received, my father felt that all of the sacrifices he had made over the years were finally justified, simply because I now have the opportunity to live the "American Dream" that he so badly wanted to provide for his children.

Over the duration of the past 4 months, I have been faced with many new challenges, but have been victorious in all of my endeavors. As President of the largest high school in Santa Rosa County, I feel that it is my duty and obligation to give the students what they want! It is my privilege to say that I preside over the organization that provides "government" for the students, by the students. In college, I will be introduced to new people virtually every day, and I feel that because I spent many weeks during my campaign personally meeting the people, I will have no problem adjusting to the very social, college life. An SGA member’s main priority is to relay the thoughts and opinions of the students to the other members, and officers, and address and questions and concerns that they may have. Because it is now my responsibility to lead these discussions daily, my mind has been opened tremendously. The new experiences I will come across at the University of Florida will always be met with an open mind.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


*The deed has been done ... I sent this essay in(:

For a Hispanic living in a primarily Caucasian society, it sometimes seems hard to honor the customs of my ancestors. It is easy to take many of the luxuries that I have in this country for granted, and even easier to take simple things, such as basic rights, for granted. In El Salvador, men are far superior to women, but thankfully, I live in a country that does not believe that a persons gender determines their self worth. Both of my parents were born in third-world countries. I am proud to call myself multiracial, for numerous reasons. Because I have roots in three continents, the many traditions practiced in my household can be related to those of the American people as well.
On my fathers side, my great, great grandparents left the country of Ireland, because of the potato famine, to start a new life on the small, British-crowned colony of Montserrat in the West Indies. It got it’s nick-name "The Emerald Isle" because of the many families, like mine, who immigrated there. In those days, it was common for the British to own African slaves, but my ancestors believed that it was unjust to treat any human being differently because of the color of their skin. The two races lived peacefully with each other for decades, and approximately eighty years ago, the two races came together, and my great grandmother was born. I truly believe that because of my parents’ diverse upbringing, and the many traditions of their homelands, it caused me to have an extremely open mind, and has therefore inspired me to give back to this country what it has given to me.
My family has been struggling financially since before I can remember, and I am lucky that I am receiving the opportunity to break the chain of poverty. I have been working part time for almost three years now, and my days of working for minimum wage will soon come to an end. I am also working to end stereotypes that are often associated with people like myself. It has taken a lot of strength, time, and perseverance, but I want to get people out of the mind set that all young people are lazy, that women cannot perform as well as men, and that Hispanics are freeloaders and uneducated. As President of my high school, I strive to set a good example for my fellow students in all areas of life. I refuse to settle for mediocrity in academics, in leadership, or in any of my work. In Luke 12:48, the Bible says that "Much will be required from everyone to whom much has been given." I have been given power that most people will never receive, but I also have an opportunity to further my education. My family members in Central America and the West Indies do not even dream of opportunities like these, and it would be a lack of character and judgement to not fully take advantage of the "American Dream."

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

VERANO, 2008

Hands down, this has been the best summer - ever. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. I feel like I've accomplished quite a bit since school has been out, and I just don't want to forget any of it! It started with spending every spare minute studying for the ACT, taking the test, and receiving a mere 23. The next day, the parentals went to Vegas for a week, and people took advantage of that ... I wasn't alone in my house for more than 5 minutes, and I loved it. Between driving my sister to all of her practices, and gracing my co-workers at the Village Inn with my presence(ha!), I also spent a significant amount of time preparing for the SGA new member bootcamp. It started out with ice breakers, then went to workshops, then we indulged in a game of random questions, and the night ended with a delicious potluck, and an official new member induction. The rest of the week was spent chilling with the homies. I also went to Tristan's birthday party(see 2nd blog) and accompanied my father to the doctor's office for his colonoscopy. They gave him a miracle drug, and he was a very happy man(: 2 days later, I was on a plane, and Boston bound! It took forever to take off, because of the fog, but we finally managed to get on the run-way. While there, we hit up the fair, Cape Cod, went to a few parties, attended the *best church service of my life, shopped, went downtown, saw Wall E, indulged in a lot of ice cream, visited NYC (see blog) and most importantly - spent time with the fam - whom I love/miss dearly. The day after our departure from the beautiful city(which I will one day be a resident of) was spent running errands, and preparing for our first official SGA meeting. It was a good day, spent catching up with everyone, taking senior portraits, and watching a lot of movies at Kristy McDaniels house. The next morning, Kristy conveniently got sick, and all of the girls went canoeing with her parents. If you're ever considering going - don't! The best part of the day was serenading our fellow canoe-er's with the beautiful sounds of Disney movies, Hannah Montanna, and Broadway musicals(; The next week, which started on July 20, was just really great! I had missed my firends terribly, so we hit up the beach, went to Seville to see Chelsea sing, had a game night, went to Starbucks approximately 787 times, and I of course worked, but also had some downtime to see a few of my bests! The next week was another SGA meeting, and Jenna Woorlard's (now Ervin's) wedding, and she looked b-e-a-u-tiful. Allie and I left the wedding and went straight home to pack for our college campus adventure! It started at 4:00 a.m. on July 30th, and we were Tally bound. We fell back asleep once we got there, and woke up in time to take a bus tour, and sat through 3 lame workshops. Then we stayed in the honors dorms, and woke up the next morning and headed to Gainesville. UF is gorgeous! We toured there, stopped at Olive Garden, and then once again, headed back to Tally. The next morning, thanks to my fabulous driving, we made it back to Pace in 2 and 1/2 hours! Since then, I have been going non-stop!

Aug. 1- Nina & I saw The Mummy 3, great movie!
Aug. 2- I worked, Nina & I made our *senior crowns(: I also got to see MICHELLE NORRIS! I've missed that girl terribly, and didn't even realize it! Our spontaneous photoshoot is posted on MySpace.
Aug. 3- WORK, evening church, and I also met my Aunt Fran's new boyfran :D
Aug. 4- I dominated at the mall, and purchased every item on my list! I also got to see Ms. Ariel Henry!
Aug. 5- Waterville with Jennifer & crew, and also K.Floyd's B-day party !! She watched her first "R" rated movie, wich happened to be a low budget, college student film, titled "The Blair Witch Project" ... I forgot how much that movie sucked until I sat through it again.
Aug. 6- SGA meeting, BBQ with the fam, and game night!
Aug. 7- Kay Brown/Middleton's photoshoot, Navarre Beach/Santa Rosa mall with the fam ... and Allie(:
Aug. 8- FRESHMEN DAY! Just know that I am completely stoked about continuously chanting "4 more years" in a few short weeks ... and of course leading pep-rallies :D

Since then, I have been working endlessly at the Village Inn, and also at school! It will resume in a few short days, and please believe me when I say that I do NOT want summer to end, but that I'm more than ready to start presiding over PHS :D

Saturday, July 26, 2008


A thought just struck me - everytime I see this time on the clock, I wish for the EXACT same things. Actually, I don't wish for anything, this time is a reminder to pray. These past few months have been a whirlwind, starting with deciding what, if any, SGA position I would like to hold. Then the election came along and I've never prayed more in my life. That was also around the time I was making plans for my birthday, taking the ACT, and getting plans together for prom. Everything turned out better than I asked for(: I know I will have a lot on my plate next year with my new position, and college classes, and work, and other extra-curriculars, * and trying to keep a decent social life! - Most of the time, it's not myself I am praying for though. Everyday, I ask God to bless my family, especially little Kathy. She is growing up much too fast, and I know that next year I will not physically be here for her. It's scary to think that in a few months I will be leaving her to fend for herself, but hopefully I've taught her well, and she won't cave under the negative peer pressure. If you read my first blog, you know that I have an aunt who is very sick. She has started her chemo, and is still in good spirits! I'm grateful for everyone who was been keeping her in their thoughts, it's helping a lot! I have no idea what I've done to deserve such wonderful people in my life, but I'm very thankful for all of you. This past month has been one of the best. I don't ever want to forget any of the beach trips to the Cape, or to Pensacola Beach, or kayaking/canoeing. One of the best parts of my trip to Boston was just bonding with my family, whom I haven't seen in a long time. Besides that, getting over my fear of heights was my biggest accomplishment. Sometimes things are not as good as you spend years imagining they will be. At one point in time, my dream was to live in the big city (NYC, to be exact) and have a successful career. I went - it wasn't great. I've met people with very successful careers - their personal lives are a disaster. I want the best of both worlds, but I've realized it's going to have to be in moderation, and at 11:11 I pray about that too. It's crazy to think that in a year, everyone will be going their own separate ways. There will be no more random movie nights, or game nights, or starbucks trips, or going out to eat - just because. Today at 11:11, my first thought was not of myself. Like every other day, I thanked Him for blessing me with the people in my life, and then I asked that no matter how many miles we may be apart, I never lose touch with any of them :D

Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Big Apple

Yesterday, I ventured into one of the most famous cities on the planet ... NYC! We started our day at 3:00 a.m. and were on the road by 4:00. We drove through Connecticut and Rhode Island, and made it into the city by 8:00 (after getting slighty turned around in Harlem!) My cousin Larry works at the American Museum of Natural History as an electrician, so we parked our car there for the day and headed to to SUBWAY! It's quick, and saves a lot of $ money on gas, but I'm from the suburbs, and when that train started to rock, I did too. Apart from that, the best part of the train ride was watching an old black man evangelise to all the people in the station. My favorite part of being there is the diversity. I was no longer the minority (: Our first stop was Times Square/Broadway. It wasn't as big as I had imagined, but it was certainly BUSY.
I kept getting walked in to! I bought some shirts from a street vendor, and we headed to Starbucks and then back on the train to Ground Zero. It's crazy that almost seven years after 9/11, you can still feel the gloominess. There were people working at the site, so we couldn't get a very close view. I was more upset then, than I was seven years ago when I first heard about the attacks. Maybe it was just because I was at the place where everything happened. After that, we got back on the train, and sat in Central Park. We were much too tired to be walking around in there. Cousin Larry met us for lunch and we ate the the Chirping Chicken, and then headed over to the museum with him (the place where Night at the Museum was filmed!) It's so big! Everything in there is awesome. We watched an IMAX film on dinosaurs, which I'm sure was great, but I fell asleep, oops! We had to be back in Boston that night, so we said good-byes to Larry, and headed back. That's where the real fun began! We only printed directions to NYC, not back! We asked about 10 cars how to get back to the interstate , and we got about 10 different answers. We ended up getting lost in the middle of Harlem during rush-hour, and please belive me when I say this, people will try to sell you anything to make some $ there! We got asked to buy bottles of water(which I'm pretty sure were already opened!), shoe shinings, bus tours(like 8990 times), bootleg movies/dvd's, everything! The only thing I regret not buying is a genuine weave from the Bronx. Somehow, after being up for 19 hours, we finally made it home. I <3 NY, but Boston wins, hands down :D

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Stop Asking, and Start Thanking.

This morning I experienced something totally new-I went to a church whose members consisted mainly of those from the black community. It was a complete 180 from the normal, drab church services that I am accustmed to ... not because of the new people, or the loud music and ridiculous dancing-but because the pastors preached! Instead of an hour long lecture on how to live your life, I witnessed dozens of people simply giving praise! This convicted me to share what I learned today. A young black woman spoke for a large portion of the service and she started off by telling us that things will not always go as planned. Even at our lowest lows, we still need to thank God, becuse at the end of it all, He is the one who will bring us out. God forgave me when I didn't deserve it; I can forgive others though they may not deserve it. I've realized that if I'm not putting effort into keeping the 10 simple commandments he gave us, then He will not put effort into granting the not-so-simple things I often pray for. Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow is promised to noone. What are you doing with your time? Are you helpling out your neighbors, and lifting those around you up, or are you dwelling in self pity? Are you using all of the gifts that He has given you? "When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me." - I never really got the full meaning of this quote until this morning. The biggest thing I got out of the service is that when you need guidence, learn from others mistakes, but never look down upon them. Stop looking around at your peers for the answers. *Newsflash to me : They don't have them either! Instead, look up, God is omnipotent and knows everything(:

Thursday, July 3, 2008

"Courage is not the absence of fear,

but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear."
Last night, I did something that I told myself I would never do; I was propelled hundreds of feet in the air on a fair ride. I know this doesn't seem like a big deal to most, but I have a major fear, of not heights, but of falling. Lately, the world just seems so sad. There is violence, poverty, and sickness all around. I'm one of the fortunates I suppose, because I am facing none of this. When I received the news that 12 year old Tristan passed away a few days ago after months of battling cancer, I had a revelation - life is short! With applying for colleges just around the corner, I sometimes find myself stressing. That is, until I realize that I don't even know what will happen tomorrow, let alone in the upcoming months. If I am supposed to go to the University of Florida, then I will get into that school. If not, it's only because He has bigger plans for me. I've always taken life one day at a time, but I can't say I've always made the most of every opportunity I've been given. Hopefully, I can change that. I want to experience life; AKA- get out more, and try new things! Years from now, when I look back at my life, I will probably regret most what I didn't do, and not the things that I did do that may have gotten me in a little bit of trouble(:

Monday, June 30, 2008

Mixed Emotions

The trip I have been waiting months for-it's almost here!
Unfortunatly, I am not as excited as I think I should be.
Up until 3 days ago, the only things I could think about were the rekindled friendships I will make with my cousins, all of the great shopping, and the possibility of seeing the Boston Red Sox!!
This was before I received "The Call." Most people have never had the privilege of meeting my Aunt B., but those who have know that she is a hoot, and quite frankly, one of the biggest role models in my life. She has been sick for a few years, but has always been well enough to take care of her much-sicker boyfriend. Oh how the tables have turned. In the duration of one doctors visit, she went from being midly-sick, to becoming the newest luekemia patient. The news shocked eveybody. Not because of the diagnosis of the disease, but because of the diagnosis of her time left. In a few short months, Mary Bernice will be taken from us, and sent to a much better place. In time, I will be able to accept that. I just can't comprehend that when I see her in a few days, and we "do lunch" as planned, we will be saying our good-byes. Those who have lost loved-ones suddenly are always daunted with the idea that if they had really been able to say good-bye, they would rest easier. I'm lucky that I will get my chance, but I won't be sleeping any more soundly. She may be ready to go, but I am certainly not ready for her to leave.